EST. 2010

Rules Of Use : Short Hair

Come summers and monsoons and you see an upsurge in short hair-dos cos of the low maintainability factor. I've had long hair for almost 10 years now but recently got a nice cute short do at the insistence of my sister and the sweltering heat.And yes I do agree on the maintainability factor but the transition from long to short was full of twists and turns.So today I'll share some tips.

Short Hair is all about style so invest in the cut and go to a good stylist who will give you a haircut that suits your face and hair texture.

2.Wash Regularly
Shorter hair means oil from your scalp travels quickly to the tips of your hair making your hair look oily even if you have dry hair and the problem gets aggravated in monsoons.Limp and oily hair will never hold style and totally destroy the glam fac that made you get the haircut in the first place.Wash hair at least twice a day and keep styling products to a minimum and most importantly use conditioner only on the tips.Best bet is to use a 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner.My recommendation Avon Healthy Shine 2in1 Shampoo and Conditioner.

Short hair needs to be pruned and cared for on a regular basis.Deep Conditioning regularly goes a long way to keep your hair in good condition and it can be easily done at home without fuss.Simply take your fave conditioner and mix a light hair oil like olive oil and apply on wet hair.Wrap your hair in plastic and cover with shower cap.Let it sit for a half hour and shampoo as usual.

So that's it keep it short and keep it cool.


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